What is the Discraft Juniors Program?
Discraft knows that school budgets can be tight. Ultimate ranks high on the affordability scale, but most schools could still use some help in keeping costs down. That's why we've joined forces with USA Ultimate to create our Juniors program.
What: practice (misprint) UltraStar or J*Star for only $3.00 each
Who: Grades K-12 in the continental US
The program offers your school UltraStar 175 gm or J*Star 145 gm practice discs. These are perfectly manufactured discs with cosmetic flaws in the printing. Minimum order is ten, maximum order is 50 discs per calendar year. No choice of designs or colors.
Eligibility: 1) the person who places the order must be a USAU member 2) your school must be listed as a USAU Youth team. This designation is fast and free to obtain. To sign up, contact USA Ultimate at 800.872.4384. 3) Orders through the Juniors Program must be shipped directly to your school, no residential shipments are allowed.
Order here
If you meet the eligibility requirements, please download and fill out the Juniors Program order form.
Other Options
Need low cost discs, but you're not part of a school program? See the Discraft Practice discs.
Ultimate Lesson Plans for Educators
Find lesson plans and more tips at Gym Class Ultimate.
About the UltraStar
See why this disc is used for virtually every game of ultimate around the globe.
Ultimate Swag
Show your spirit with Ultimate t-shirts, hats and other gear.
Custom Disc Printing
Your disc, your attitude... your artwork. Bring it, y'all. Ultimate Catalog
Print that puppy right from your computer, or we'll send you one in the oldschool mail.